Within the annals of American history hides a resilient group of misunderstood vagabonds; the Hobo. Believed to have been coined in California around 1890, the term Hobo has many connotations, but no strict definition. A migrant worker, the first sign of the Hobo appears following the Civil War, delinquently riding the rails in search of employment on America’s frontier. Having low social status, they are often mistreated by straight society, yet they graciously accepted any work they could find. During the Great Depression, the Hobo Code becomes prominent. It’s 15 tenets center around ethical conduct and are a testament to the Hobo’s humanity and humility. They develop their own language, using signs to communicate to one another how welcome they are in a specific area. In Iowa, the Britt Hobo Museum hosts their annual National Hobo Convention. Today, the Hobo walk of life still travels on the periphery.