One Minute History

102 Video

duration: 2 Hour and 19 Minute

Dead Sea Scrolls - Story of the Essenes


In ancient Judea, a devout sect of Judaism known as the Essenes thrives. For generations, they live in poverty; choosing to seek spiritual enlightenment by avoiding worldly pleasures. Essenes are vegetarian, do not marry, forbid the expression of anger, study the books of the elders and safeguard the secrets kept in their sacred writings. During the Jewish Revolt of 66 CE, the Essenes believe that a Roman invasion is imminent, so they hide their manuscripts in caves outside of the city before the Romans burn it to the ground. In 1946, Bedouin shepherds stumble across the hidden scrolls when they throw a rock in a cave and hear a shattering sound. 2,000 years later, the sacred writings of the Essenes, known today as the Dead Sea Scrolls, were found.

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